The Around the Moon Soccer Tutorial

Around the Moon

Around the Moon is a freestyle soccer trick. It's very unique because you don't use your feet at all.

Some freestylers think Around the Moon looks a bit weird. That's why it's rare in older soccer freestyle routines. But since a few years, Around the Moon is becoming more popular. Around the Moon starts to turn up on websites such as YouTube.

Around the Moon requires balance, upper body control and a lot of feeling. Mastering Around the Moon proves you're skilled and committed.

In Steps

Step 1
Put the ball on your neck and keep it there by using the Neck Stall.

Step 2
With the soccer ball in your neck, move your upper body to the right and up. The ball will roll over your shoulder.

Step 3
Then, get in a straight standing position. Your forehead should now be behind the ball.

Step 4
As the ball starts to drop again, bend your knees and catch the ball with another Neck Stall.

Tips and Advices

Bend your knees in step 1 and 4. This gives you extra time to catch and throw the ball.

Try to give the ball a little effect in step 2. This makes it easier to get your head around the ball.

In this soccer trick, the ball represents the moon. So move your head around the soccer ball / moon. The ball should only go up and down in this soccer trick.

Your head and neck should be horizontal in the starting position and vertical in step 3.

Tutorial Video