The Flip Throw In Soccer Tutorial

Flip Throw In

The Flip Throw In became famous during the WC 2008 for Women. Brazilian soccer players used it to get the ball in front of goal.

The Flip Throw In is a technique that's used instead of a regular throw in. You need a lot of confidence and practice to pull off the Flip Throw In successfully.

Tutorial Video

In Steps

Step 1
Get a good grip on the ball.

Step 2
Take around 5 meter/15 feet distance from the touch line.

Step 3
Take a few fast, powerful steps. Generate as much speed as possible.

Step 4
Push the ball to the ground.

Step 5
Flip your legs up and over your torso and arms.

Step 6
Swing your arms forward.

Step 7
Land in a squat. You just did the Flip Throw In!

Tips and Advices

Practice the Flip Throw In without a ball first. Especially step 4 and step 5. Practice on a soft surface. A mat would be perfect.

Put your hands on the side of the ball. Your thumbs should almost touch for maximum grip.

Some people pick the ball up in step 4, this could make the move easier.

Between the end of step 5 and the start of step 6, you should have a little air time.

'Launching' the ball this way is the same principle as a catapult. Think about that.