The Shoulder Feint Soccer Tutorial

Shoulder Feint

The Shoulder Feint is a simple soccer trick that you can use to put your opponent on the wrong foot. The Shoulder Feint is simple and fast and therefore great for a counter attack.

You feint a move to confuse your opponent, just as you do with a feint shot or pass. The Shoulder Feint is also called Shoulder Drop.

Tips and Advices

Practice the Shoulder Feint while dribbling slowly. When you get the hang of it, increase your pace.

You don't always have to wait until your opponent tries to steal the ball (step 3). When your dribbling fast enough, you shouldn't wait. You need to have some experience in this before you know when you're fast enough.

In step 3, knock the ball past your opponent with the outside of your foot. This makes the total move faster and harder to predict or defend.

Don't wait too long or dribble too slow when executing the Shoulder Feint.

Make sure to 'sell' the move by dropping your shoulder a bit exaggerated.

If you drop your right shoulder, bend your right knee at the same time.

In Steps

Use the Shoulder Feint when you face an opponent.

Step 1
Approach your opponent while slowly dribbling.

Step 2
When your opponent is roughly 1 meter away from you, drop your shoulder (it doesn't matter which one).

Step 3
When your opponent tries to steal the ball, move the other way. So when you dropped your left shoulder, move to the right.